Many beginner guitarists or those wondering if they should ever start playing often ask themselves: Can Anyone Learn to Play The Guitar?
Yes. With enough practice, anyone can learn to play the guitar competently. Whilst there will always be outliers who possess incredible gifts, picking up a guitar is something that everyone can learn how to do.
With enough patience, time, and commitment – playing the guitar will become second-nature. Like all hobbies, however, your ability to play the guitar will depend largely on how good you want to be. Of course, there are other factors at play, too, such as the quality of your training and how good the guitar you’re using is. But overall, learning the guitar largely depends on you.
How Often Should I Practice Learning the Guitar?
As much as you can.
Whilst the amount of practicing you should do isn’t set in stone – you should aim to at least get in a little bit of practice every day. This will help your fingers to adjust to the strings, and will also reinforce the neurological connections in your brain so that you remember notes, chords, and scales without looking.
That being said, don’t overdo it on the practice. Studies have shown that the human being really only has around 3-4 hours of focused, productive work in them before our minds start to burn out with fatigue. There’s no need to practice for hours on end, however, if you feel yourself getting lost in the immersion of music then by all means, keep it going. Just don’t put too much pressure on yourself to master the instrument straight off the bat.
How Should I Practice Learning Guitar?
How exactly you should go about learning the guitar is often overlooked. However, it’s an important question.
We’re told all the time to practice but never told what kind of practice we should be doing. Whilst it may be tempting and familiar to practice the same songs, chord progressions, and scales we already know how to do, real progress is made when we step out of our comfort zones and practice elements that challenge us. This is known as deliberate practice and is the technique that is really going to push your skills and take them to the next level. It’s not glamourous or fun, but you’ll see your skills skyrocket if you end every practice session armed with a technique you didn’t have before.
Aim to take your playing to the next level by practicing skills that you find the hardest – your future self will thank you.
Can I Learn the Guitar By Myself?
Of course, you can. It’s just going to take a lot longer than using the services of a teacher.
Being self-taught has its ups and downs. On the one hand, you can dictate how long you practice for and what kind of material you practice. You can become your own boss, in a manner of speaking, and build your guitar-playing around your schedule. It’s practical, flexible, and you don’t have to pay someone to help teach you.
On the other hand, you won’t have anyone to guide your progress and pick up on all of the mistakes you’re doing in regards to your technique. You also won’t have anyone to provide feedback on the quality of your practice sessions and the efficiency of your time. You’ll also have to research and learn music theory and chord progressions all by yourself – turning guitar-playing into a hybrid of practical and theoretical research. Although the Internet has made information widely accessible, you still have to learn a lot of stuff and put in the man-hours to get your guitar playing to a decent level. If you can afford a teacher, it’s definitely recommended.
Why Are Some People Better Than Others At Playing Guitar?
Can anyone learn to play guitar? Yes. However, only a few can really shine on it.
This is all due to natural talents or environmental advantages. Coming from a musical family is an advantage, as you’ll be surrounded by music early on and will probably learn an instrument in your formative years. This means by the time you’re in your teens and early twenties, you have at least a decade of experience on the guitar when everybody around you is just starting. This is an environmental factor, however, those who are the most musically gifted almost always have a deep-rooted background in music.
This is just the way it is – some people will always find playing music easier and have it come to them more naturally. Remember, your aim when you start playing the guitar shouldn’t be to become the best in the world rather becoming as good as you can be. Music isn’t a competition, it’s a hobby that should be enjoyed and celebrated by all, regardless of their skill level.
To sum up: Can anyone learn to play guitar?
- Yes, if they have the motivation.
- Yes, if they practice properly
- Yes, if they understand music isn’t a competition.
Can anyone master the guitar? No, some people are always going to be better than others. However, everybody can reach a competent level if they put their minds to it.
Wondering What to Learn First? Start Here
I recommend the first thing that all guitarists learn is how to choose, maintain, and care for their instrument.
Because surprisingly few players know how to do exactly those things.
And if you don’t even have a handle on those fundamentals…
Then it doesn’t matter how good you are, or what song you’re playing…
You simply aren’t going to sound good on a poorly maintained instrument.
That’s why in this book, I decided to reveal all the secret tips I know when it comes to buying, owning, and maintaining an acoustic guitar…
…Stuff that took me a decade to learn on my own, since it is scattered randomly around the internet (or rarely discussed at all)
In this book you’ll discover…
- how to choose a guitar
- what to look for in tonewoods
- guitar body styles
- how to get a good price
- whether to buy used or new
- a curated guide to the 10 best acoustic guitars for beginners
- how to choose guitar strings, and make them last 10x longer
- how to maintain your instrument for a lifetime
- caring for the fretboard
- should you use fretboard oil? how often?
- adjusting the truss rod
- flying and traveling with your instrument safely
- how to store and display your guitar safely
- caring for the fretboard
- what to learn first on guitar (fingerpicking? flatpicking? etc)
- where to learn it
- the best ways and resources to teach yourself guitar for FREE
- 30 secret hacks to unleash unstoppable guitar motivation
- how to stay in love with the instrument for the rest of your life
- much more
So if you’re ready to rocket past your competition…
And learn how to choose, maintain, care for, and fall in love with your instrument for a lifetime to come…
Then you can pick up my Ultimate Buyer’s and Maintenance Guide.